Countdown to Summer Sales Event
Event Dates
Average High Temps
Event Theme
TAG’s 2020 Summer Sales Event
Make the commitment to join us this summer at Winston-Salem Marriott and the Benton Convention Center. At “the big event,” connect with TAG agents from all over the country to:
- Participate in amazing break-out sessions on topics that are relevant and add value to your business
- Meet our top-rated core insurance company partners and exchange personal experiences and real-world stories from the field
- Give advice – and get it – from other agents and TAG management, as you share the common bond of growing your sales and increasing your productivity
- Applaud the award winners and plan your strategy to be at the top
There’s no holding back on what you can accomplish as part of the TAG team. Discover the benefits of the Summer Sales Event.
Summer Sales Event Packages
Stay & Attend
- Round-Trip Airfare Available*
- Three Room Nights
- (double occupancy unless upgraded*)
- Welcome Reception (Thurs.)
- Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner (Fri. – Sat.)
- Agent Seminars & Workshops (Fri.)
- Expo Admission & Carrier Break-Out Sessions (Sat.)
- Cocktail Hour & Awards Banquet (Sat.)
- Welcome Gift
Attend Only
- No Airfare/
- No Hotel Accommodations
- Welcome Reception (Thurs.)
- Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner (Fri. – Sat.)
- Agent Seminars & Workshops (Fri.)
- Expo Admission & Carrier Break-Out Sessions (Sat.)
- Cocktail Hour & Awards Banquet (Sat.)
- Welcome Gift
*Additional fees apply for private room upgrade, added guest charges, and airline baggage fees.
Pricing Details for SSE Additions & Upgrades
Private Room Upgrade
- Upgrade from a shared hotel room to a private room.
- This upgrade is required for all Stay & Attend attendees with guests.
- Not available with the Attend Only package.
Round Trip Airfare
Zone 1 +$200
Zone 2 +$300
Zone 3 +$400
- Not available with the Attend Only package.
Guest Packages
Guest All Meals
Guest Banquet Dinner Only
- Guest additions are available for Attend Only and Attend & Stay options.
- The Private Room Upgrade is required for attendees with guests.
Frequently Asked Questions
What should I wear to the Summer Sales Event?
How can I get more information?
We have a wonderful team that ensures the success of TAG’s Summer Sales Event each year! All questions regarding flights can be directed to: Dan Holk Motivation Through Incentives, Inc. 913-438-2600/Office If you want to know more about ground transportation to and from Winston-Salem check with: Diane Slack The Assurance Group 336-669-7949/Cell For further information regarding any part of the TAG Summer Sales Event connect with Lori Eanes in the TAG Marketing Department at 336-899-0825 or